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Styling experiments

Styling experiments published on

One does want to know to what extent WordPress is flexible and transparent enough to support customization, and not only by an engineer familiar with its inner workings, but the poor, plain, pained user.

Custom tagging? This HTML ‘blockquote’ element has a @class attribute provided by hand in the source. It would be nifty if that gave me a handle for styling it.

If all were well, that would have come out purpleĀ … so, it breaks! Back to the drawing board … so it seems that blockquote/@class gets stripped in back. What about arbitrary spans? Or homemade @style values?

Early report … blockquote appears not to be safe. But the spans are pushed through. One can hope divs might also be.

Here’s my special div, to which I would like to assign a hanging indent, which I will do in the CSS….