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Work at the house

Work at the house published on

There will be pictures. Today, Gary the floor guy is installing our new cork floors.

This all started because we decided we need windows upstairs that actually keep the weather out.

But it didn’t make much sense to get them fixed and then move to the floors without also giving the walls and ceilings fresh paint. Our new colors (from the Sherwin Williams collection): in the office, Softened Green (a sagey color); Optimistic Yellow in the spare room (Daffodil was too bright), Daydream (a kind of light purplish blue) in the master bedroom, Medici Ivory in the hallways and for frame and baseboard trim (everywhere), and Copper Wire as an accent wall color next to the stairway down. We chose the colors, of course, for their names, just as one chooses wine for the design on the bottle.

The carpet being removed is colored Allergenic Grey. It was never very pretty and nothing in comparison to the brown-red cork flooring that is now replacing it.